Clara Martínez

Clara Martínez started her artistic studies at the age of 14, studying musical theater at the Escola Coco Comín from 2011 to 2014. Later, she attended the Professional Tap Dance Program at Escola Luthier of Barcelona and in 2019 she was awarded a scholarship for the prestigious American dance institution, Jacob’s Pillow, to join their tap program. Currently, she is part of UNUM Project tap company directed by Estefanía Porqueras and is a choreographer and director of La Banda, Street Groove. She is also the choreographer of the most recent Dàmaris Gelabert’s show, Mou el Cos and of the project Grow Up Singing. She is a regular tap teacher at Escola Luthier and at Escola Swingcats in Barcelona and has also performed and taught in many countries such as Sweden, Italy, Germany and Brazil.